Rewriting History One Degree at a Time

Mrs. Chavez becomes first SL teacher to earn Doctorate degree


Joseph Moncibaez, Staff Writer

Mrs.  Petra Chavez is a Biology teacher here at Sierra Linda and recently made history. She is the first teacher from Sierra Linda, other than Dr. Renouard (admin), to earn a Doctorates Degree.

Chavez has been teaching in education for 10 years. She is a very hard working woman as she works 3 jobs, teaching being 1 of them. She began going to school for her Doctorates Degree as a single mother. She has earned respect from many for overcoming the challenges she faced and accomplishing such a high honor.


What did you receive your Doctorates Degree in?

“Educational Leadership for Community College higher education. I can become an administrator on a University level. It’s basically for adult education. So I’m ready degreed in educational leadership, I can help run a K through 12 school, and now it’s to teach adults no matter what their field is how to become their own individual leader and self motivators.”


What inspired you to earn your Doctorates Degree?

“Actually my first Degree is pre med in cell biology and physiology. Because I was a single parent I couldn’t go to medical school so I said that I was going to be a Doctor in something. Then I started teaching high school and I started realizing that I actually liked helping kids so I just started taking more and more classes to help me help kids more.”


Where did you earn your Doctorates Degree?

“Northern Arizona University. I’m a Lumberjack.”


How challenging was it to go to school for your Doctorates Degree and teach full time?

“Very challenging to one extent because I was a single parent for most of it until I met my husband. I don’t do just this I’ve done hair and I also sell jewelry so I work 3 jobs. On the other hand it was simpler because I was able to complete my research while I was working. The hard thing was I’m exhausted.”


How long have you been teaching?

“This is my 10th year in education. I used to teach in hair. I did hair shows and taught people how to do hair styles and hair coloring and stuff like that.”


When did you realize you wanted to become a teacher?

“When they threw me into a classroom and I actually survived the first day. I never realized in my heart that it was meant for me until I actually was offered a teaching job at a charter school because you don’t have to be certified, all you have to do is have the credits. Since I had so many science credits I was able to teach at a charter school without being certified. I liked the kids. A lot of times I like working with the kids more than working with the adults.”  


Do you enjoy what you do?

“I do enjoy what I do and I’m sure if you ask any teacher if we had a lot more freedom I think we could have a lot better of a time.”




Mrs. Chavez with her Committee Chair (right) and a Committee member (left) at her Dissertation.



Mr. and Mrs. Chavez at a fundraising charity event for St. Louis The King.



Mr. and Mrs. Chavez at a fundraising charity event for conservation for Tigers in Cabo.