Such a simple question develops into a discussion of morals and self control.

There is a saying often said “an eye for an eye” which although at first glance appears to be a solution to equal and fair treatment has been used metaphorically as a form of torture and execution.

In new York of 1890, the first execution by electrocution commenced. This was not the first form of execution but rather deemed the most humane. Electrocution is certainly not humane. After all, how would one feel If the victim were one of their own. They are still a human being at the end of the day and not even their actions will change that.

In no way am I validating their actions or excusing them from consequences, but rather doing the opposite. It is in my own firm belief that death is a form of escape. By escaping life one is escaping their punishment.

But what is it that puts a person on this road to such a punishment? Multiple sources conclude that all types of murder as well as other crimes are punishable by death.


Murder according to definition is
the killing of one human being by another.
Which means those who execute death row inmates are Murderers

So another question is who is going to execute them? After All they killed and killers deserve to be killed according to state law, but If they are killed then who will who killed them and so on. Murder is an ever going cycle.

This ever going cycle does not create justice or closure, and that is what victim’s families search for. They often believe that “an eye for an eye” or rather life for a life is fair when in reality it merely creates more pain and heartache. Murderers do have families and or loved ones and so the deprivation of their lives creates a desire for Vengeance in them.

People fail to understand that murder under no circumstances means closure
and so with that I leave the prior asked question

Is there really justice in death, or does it leave a larger void?