To Beat or Not to Beat
Video games getting blamed for violence?

September 12, 2014
It’s 3 A.M. Your palms are sweaty from grasping the controller so hard. The characters are speaking directly in your ear, yelling, telling you where you should go, how to do things and so on. The characters speaking to you are your friends who hear you in their ears as well. Gun shots, screaming and cursing is all you hear while viewing how all the blood splatters over you and your surroundings as you kill yet another man. You are playing your favorite video game.
Violence has been present since the beginning of time. As the human race grows, so do the actions we are capable of. The human race has developed a sense of morals to help differ right and wrong. The generation of today is very dependent on technology such as gaming systems, phones, computers, etc.
Video games today are very graphic and violent for some of their audience members. There have been several controversies on if real life violence impacts for gamers who play violent video games frequently.
“Most people are used to seeing graphic violence and don’t necessarily take it out in the real world in fear of either the consequences or the morals they have. The people who do let it impact them, need help or guidance in my opinion,” said sophomore Alisia Hillsman.
Video game players and I believe that game violence doesn’t impact real life violence. “No I have been playing Call of Duty since it came out and it hasn’t impacted me or my anger,” said sophomore Leslie Banuelos. People have the will power to know the difference between right and wrong.
The game violence controversy has been a huge debate between gamers and non-gamers since violence has increased in the real world. Some examples are shootings and murders and so on.
Sophomore Jesus Jimenez said, “Video games don’t control people, they control themselves. If video games do control everyone, then so do movies and reading and everything else we do.”
To view an article of people who say video games cause violence, click the link below.