Style Advice


My fashion game has definitely evolved my senior year. However, I wasn’t always the boujiee person that I am today. After all the dressing myself struggles, I feel as if now I can give you advice if you want to spice up your style. One of the first things to learn about on how to have a nice style is that you have to know your style. The way you dress is how you get express who you are as a person. Ok, This is the most important (to me at least), You HAVE TO wear clothes that match your skin complextion. This is the thing that I do till this day that I shouldn’t do but I do it anyways. For instance, my skin complextion is very pale so wearing yellow or vibrant colors wouldn’t look good on me, while someone with a darker skin tone wearing yellow or vibrant it would look really good on them because colors like yellow make you look like you have a lighter skin tone. Lastly, you should always wear something that stands out in your outfit. it could be your shoes, shirt, jacket or even your accessories. The rest is up for you to decide on how you want people to see you.