Annual Senior Resource Fair
Colleges talk to students about their future

September 26, 2014
On September 18, 2014, Sierra Linda held its 3rd Annual Senior Resource Fair in various locations around the school. Colleges from around the state were invited to enrich the seniors’ minds for the future.
“Senior Resource Day is just one part. After I coordinated with all Senior English teachers to have all seniors take the senior survey. With these results I was able to invite college, university, tech school, military reps out to speak with our students regarding their post high school plans, “said Senior Counselor Joely Sanders.
From the various universities such as UA, ASU, NAU, GCU, SMCC, EMCC, Gateway CC, University of Advanced Technology, UTI, College America, the Art Institute, Avalon School of Cosmetology, and representatives from the military, Sierra Linda, students had a lot to choose from for their career path.
“I think it’s helpful because not a lot of students are motivated to go online and look for colleges and scholarships and everything there is to offer, so by doing these resource fairs, it kind of forces them to go and take it all in and learn things they would have never known,” said Senior Abbey Torres.
The resource fair has been helping seniors with their futures and it lets them have a deeper understanding on how serious it is and how much attention should and needs to be paid to something like this.
“It helped me have a deeper understanding of my future by helping me clarify which university I would want to attend,” said Senior Esmeralda Portillo.
To see more photos, click on the link below.