Going down in flames

The after math of Ferguson Missouri

Kaitlyn McFarland, Reporter

On November 24th, 2014 the court grand jury didn’t have enough evidence to convict Officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown causing destruction in the town of Ferguson, Missouri. Officer Wilson resigned 5 days after the jury decision. Wilson earned an annual salary of $45,302 and had been paid on administrative leave. He will not receive severance pay and resigned.

Following the verdict, protestors crowded the streets for what started off as a peaceful protest. However, the emotions of the people took over and people were lighting buildings, cars, and houses on fire. The police had to spray tear gas on everyone to calm them down. According to USA Today people were attacking people, 16 people got arrested and 2 officers ended up injured.

There are other cities protesting for Michael Brown. Which are L.A., Dallas, Boston, Portland, and Denver.

According to L.A. times, there were 1,500 protestors marching through the streets of Boston. In Portland, there were about 200 protestors that were blocking traffic, throwing rocks and bottles at police cars. In Denver, police say they used a small portion of pepper spray on small group of protestors and arrested 3 people. In Dallas, Interstate 35 was closed down by protestors but opened shortly afterwards.

To read about this developing story read about it here:
