New SRO on Patrol

The man behind the uniform


Vanessa Sowirka and Brandon Rosas


On March 24, 2015, SLHS hired a new student resource officer, Brian Eaton. As the 2015-2016 school year begins, we followed up with Officer Eaton to get his input on his time serving the Bulldog nation.


Q: Is this your first position/job as a Student Resource Officer (SRO)?

“Yes, last year when I started in April was my first time as an SRO.”

Q: What are day to day challenges/obstacles you face on the job?

“Overcoming some students biased opinions against police officers. Once in a while you’ll hear it.”

Q: We understand you were and still are in the military (National Guard.) What made you join?

“I wanted to drive tanks and also pay for college instead of making my parents pay for it.”

Q: What advice would you give to students interested in joining the military?

“Join the military, especially as a young man. It’s a part of becoming a man. When you’re young, you’re immature, and when you go into the military and all of a sudden find yourself responsible for other people and life or death situations, it grows you up real quick. That level of maturity and level of discipline is valuable in making that transition from boyhood to manhood. The same could be said for ladies too.”


Q: What type of legacy do you hope to leave on this school?

“The most important thing for me is to build long lasting relationships with the kids based on the way I present myself to them and through the importance of integrity.”

Q: What did you want to be as a child?

“There were three things I wanted to be as a kid – a firefighter, astronaut, and then I wanted to be a fire pilot.”



Officer Eaton doing a presentation for Mr. Crow’s 1st period government class.


SLHS students actively engaged in Officer Eaton’s presentation.