“When I First Saw My Crush”
The High School Love Scoop

October 2, 2015
Have you ever seen a person across the hall that made you feel like your heart will fall? You have just found your crush. Everyone has one. How did your crush make you feel at your first glimpse of him or her?
I asked a few people the question, “What about your crush attracted you towards him/her?” They answered:
Ms. Karen Furkert, Senior English Teacher
“I thought that he was the funniest person I’ve ever met. And what was really weird was that he thought I was funny too, because I’m not funny. And I thought that this is perfect!”
Cesar Delgado, ‘16
“My crush stood out from everyone else because I liked her pretty, long hair. It made me have butterflies in my stomach.”
Mayra Chavez, ‘16
“I saw him and thought he was cute. He’s not uglier than me, and I just wanted to hang out. We were already in the library and that was a plus for me because I love reading.”
Alejandro Loya ‘19
“Her personality and the way she talked to me gave me butterflies every time. She was really really nice.”
Valeria Hernandez, ‘16
“What attracted me to my crush is his eyes, his smile, and his accent. He’s Cuban and I love the way he dances.”