Violent Video Games

Are They Affecting Today’s Youth

Violent Video Games

Nehemiah Valentine, staff writer

People become   less stress   when they play violent video games because it takes   their   mind off   of the real world for a second . Violent video games can help reduce anger, stress , and it can make your child stay home therefore it can stop them from getting in trouble.

According to they relieve stress because it brings more excitement   to the teens   life. Some teens deal with bullying and that’s   not   a good thing that leads teens into killing their self. I think that parents would rather see their child behind bars” then in a graveyard that would be a parent worse nightmare.

Violent video games could help teens that have anger problems or have anger inside of them. They can help teens with anger because if you have Xbox Live or Play station network.   They would say way worse stuff about you then people in the real world and you would know how to deal with people that who would get you mad. They are also good to get teens to stay home. Most parents would like that because it would keep their teens out of trouble.