Ufest 2016 almost here
Big names bands ready to rock

January 29, 2016
On Saturday March 19th 2016 DISTURBED will be headlining the radio station 98KUPD’s Ufest. Also on the set list are bands such as P.O.D, ATREYU,NONPOINT, LIKE A STORM, and more too be announced.
Ufest is a day long event with food, fun, and music from top rock artist. This year’s highlight is the long awaited return of DISTURBED. They will be performing at Ufest during their return tour after a four year hiatus starting in 2011.
The annual event will take place at the Akchin Pavilion.
Here on Sierra Linda’s campus we have students who are excited about the event. We cruised the campus and this is what they had to say.
Why do you want to go to Ufest and how did you hear about Ufest?
Larry Martinez III, ’17 – “I want to go because I love metal music. I heard about it when I was with my friends listening to one of my favorite radio stations 98KUPD.”
Jennifer Valenzuela, ’18 – “I want to go to see all of the amazing bands. I heard about Ufest from my uncle who goes almost every year.”
Destiny Hyllested, ’17 – “Ufest seem like it would be really fun and interesting. I found out about through Tumblr.”
Ticket prices range from $30 to $70 dollars, lawn 4-pack deal $90 while they last. They are on sale at www.ticketmaster.com, AkChin Pavilion Box Office or by phone at 800-745-3000
This is an ALL AGES show.(things such as time, line up, and ticket prices are subject to change)
For more information visit http://98kupd.com/events_and_concerts/ufest-2016-featuring-disturbed/