Senior Picture
The Class of 2016 Panorama

February 29, 2016
On Tuesday, March 1st, the Class of 2016 and Duke Photography is holding a Senior Panorama in the gymnasium during 2nd hour. All seniors are allowed to participate in the photo (and any juniors who are graduating early).
Everyone participating will wear their senior shirts for the photo if they have one. We recommend that students who do not have a senior shirt to wear cardinal red instead.
If you would like to buy the Senior Panorama there will be purchase envelopes handed out at the event. The panorama is being sold for $20.00. Envelopes can be turned in to Ms. Deibert in room 7-047 with your money and your purchase information in it. She is collecting envelopes from students till Wednesday, March 2nd.
Online purchasing will be available later this week to those who cannot get the money on time at