Teen DUI Awareness

A mock crash was performed to show consequences of a DUI.


The firefighters bring in the emergency helicopter for the crash.

Kimberlyn Gardner, Staff Writer

On Friday, March 11, 2016, Phoenix Firefighters hosted a mock crash at the school for awareness. To help out the Phoenix Fire Dept., Ms. Given’s theater students participated acting out the crash. The Phoenix Fire Department wants to bring awareness to the dangers of drinking, texting and driving, as well as, drugs. The consequences of these actions can be very severe.

According to madd.org, the statistics of these accidents, whether it be their fault or not, is that 4,700 teens are killed due to alcohol abuse.

Ms. Luchsinger, the Prevention and Intervention Specialist, was asked how she came across this program. She said, “This program was brought to us by Phoenix Fire Department.”

Shylah Watson, a 10th grade student, replied to how this assembly changed her focus on her life by saying, “It puts driving into perspective, because I do drive. It shows how dangerous the open road is and how I can be more sure instead of sorry.”

Studies also have proven that students who start drinking at a young age are seven-times more likely to get in an alcohol-related crash. 1-in-10 students in high school drinks and drives. Car crashes are the leading cause for the death of teens, one quarter dies from underage drunk-drivers/driving.

mock crash by sebastian

Officer talks to the kids about the dangers of drinking and driving.