Ripped jeans

Should they be allowed on campus?

Margarita Delgado, Staff writer

The new school year just started up again, so all teachers have to go over the rules and safety precautions. Dress code is dreaded by most students; they want to express their styles.

I had a sit down interview with  Mrs. Valenzuela, the Assistant Principal/Discipline, why there were certain rules to students ripped jeans and this was her response along with other female students’ opinions.


Ms. Christina Valenzuela showing students to be professional


What are the rules on ripped jeans?

Well, according to the district policy in the handbook, it says no pant or jeans with excessive holes.

 What is excessive?

“I think it’s the teacher’s decision of what excessive is. Whoever’s point of view or teacher calls you out for the jeans.”


Was there a problem with ripped jeans originally that caused this rule to be made?

No. This policy was made to teach students how to dress professionally. “I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad. There is just a time and place.”


How long has this rule been around?

“This rule was around since I was in high school. In 1997 these rules were still around at Tolleson.”


Would you change or adjust these rules after hearing the girl’s opinions?

“I feel that the dress code is justified.” You can wear them to the mall on the weekend if you have a good idea for an outfit.


Do a lot of girls get dress coded for ripped jeans?

“Yes, there is equal opportunity. Guys and girls both get dress coded because there are holes where their undergarments are showing.”



Raena Keith, ’20

“I think ripped jeans should be allowed completely because there is nothing wrong with them.”



Alexis Keith, ’18

“I like ripped jeans; they’re cool. The fact that they don’t allow them is dumb because there is nothing wrong with them and they shouldn’t be against dress code.”


Photo courtesy of Margarita Delgado