Mechistas Back and Better
M.E.Ch.A club at SLHS
November 16, 2016
What is MEChA you may be asking yourself? It stands for, ” Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano De Aztlan”. This translated in English means, “Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan“. It is a national organization that has a chapter on the SLHS campus.
The organization was created because Chicanos have wanted to been seen and treated the same as anyone else, so by gathering together they have became Mechistas and each setting their own goals they want to achieve.
Mechistas from SLHS have many goals for themselves and for the club this year. For examples, reaching out to the community and sharing their culture with others through workshops and after school activities.
MEChA has been running at SLHS for the past three years, but many people aren’t aware about MEChA’s existence. This year the club has many things planned and has their doors open for any students that would want to become a member.
Meetings are held Tuesday and Thursdays after school room 536.
Mecha members after having a club meeting. Photo courtesy: Carlos Vazquez

What does the club have planned this year?
“Our club is determined to create a healthy and ambitious internment for Sierra Linda. The goals and ideas that we have coming up for our family, is a change that will last a life time”. Carlos Vazquez , Mecha President, ’17.
What inspired you to become a Mechista?
“Coming from a school full of Latinos/Latinas, I feel like it is important to show our appreciation for our culture and this club helps the members and students spark culture and historical pride for our people.”
Leslie Banuelos, Mecha vice president, ’17
Why should students get involved in the club?
“Students should join to be more diverse in culture. We educate in Hispanic culture threw books and community events. We are a great organization that does a lot for the community and the school”.
“As the new sponsor of the club my goal is to bring awareness to the surrounding community about the clubs mission. As a Hispanic teacher I have learned that it does not matter who you are or where you came from but what you want to do to change the path you are in. I have had many hurtles in my life but one things did not change and that was my mindset to make sure my future was going to be what I wanted it to be, and that is what I plan on teaching everyone in this club!!!”
Mr. Laborin, Mecha Club sponsor