Living the Minimum Life

Getting paid just enough to survive.

Living the Minimum Life

Leslie Diaz

Many fast food workers are going on strike because of low money wage. Families have been working their heads off and still living under the poverty getting paid under $7.50 which is causing poorness and hunger all over the globe. Most regular wage workers earn less than $7.25 an hour for working over ½ hours while other high waged people only work for 10/20 minutes and earn over 10,000 an hour. According to SLHS data process survey of 50 students 37 students out of all the 50 think the current wage should increase and 43 students think that people should get educated so they don’t end up falling in the minimum wage trap.


Here are some opinions from students about minimum wage increase.

Alexis Lerma, SLHS Freshmen

“I think minimum wage should increase depending on where you work because some people like those that work at a warehouse bust their butts off carrying boxes while those at McDonalds do absolute nothing”.


Rocio Valenzuela, SLHS Freshmen

“It all depends on what job you have…”


Leslie Lopez, SLHS Freshmen

“I think minimum wage should increase because you know…there’s a lot of people out there that work hard but get paid very little money”