Scarlett O’Hara

Deep Lyrics and Amazing Voices

Scarlett OHara

Lisandro Valle, Digital Journalist

Scarlett O’Hara, a band of six members; which two of them are the lead vocals, Eddie and Rene. They’re a post hardcore band; currently working on a new album. They made an album called “Lost in Existence” about seven years ago. Scarlett O’Hara made ten songs on their album and one of their song called Lost in Existence and is close to one million views on YouTube. With deep lyrics of anger and creative instrumental music.

Facts about Scarlett O’Hara

They are currently trying to continue their band while juggling their schudule to finish high school.

Scarlett O’Hara is NOT a stolen name or inspired from the book “Gone with the Wind”.

They had their first tour with the bands you might recognize; Attila, Sleeping with Sirens, Abandon all Ships, For all those Sleeping and Woe, is me.


They will be releasing their new album around this year or next year.


This band deserves a few more views for their creative and deep lyrics. Review this band’s awesome song Lost in Existence.