Sizzling Summer Blockbusters
Top two movies of the 2014 summer
August 22, 2014
During the summer of 2014 a lot of blazing new movies were released. Two of the most popular movies were Transformers: Age of Extinction and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was directed by Matt Reeves and it was one of the hottest movies of the year, with the current gross of $197,768,156. Former director of the past Transformer movies Michel Bay directed the 4th sequel of the Transformers series it was of the most critique of the summer! The current gross is $ 241,207,000.
We asked Bulldogs what were their thoughts on one of these movies?
Wendy Tlaseca , 2015
“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes It was such a good movie! The movies makes you wonder what’s going to happen in our future!”- Wendy Tlaseca 2015
Adriana Huerta , 2015
“I thought the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was such an amazing movie, I loved it! The whole story line was great!”- Adriana Huerta 2015
Kendra Jenkins , 2016
“I thought the new Transformer movie was good because I loved the other past movies and they were great!” Kendra Jenkins 2016