The Scoop On Lunch

New menu changes

Elisa Escajeda and Aleana Gomez

Has anyone been wondering what is different this year at Sierra Linda? Even with all the new teachers and students, I think everyone has noticed the one thing that has changed drastically this year, the lunch.

“We’re feeding 1,800 students a day. We’re not the lunch ladies. We are the people in charge of providing a healthy meal for the students.” said Mrs. Coon, the head director of the food services at Sierra Linda.

A lot of the changes made for lunch are healthier choices. The ingredients now used in our lunch are a better quality, more expensive choice made by Mrs. Coon. Coon is hoping to provide more nutritious and better tasting lunch for the students attending Sierra Linda.

“The lunch tastes a lot better than last years for sure. I just miss some of the old stuff they had here though,” said sophomore Carlos Vazquez.

Some of the changes that were made by Coon are switching out the drinks sold at the snack machine for healthier substitutes, smaller cups sold, and healthier snacks and drinks sold in the vending machines.

Coon said, “I think the lunch lines are doing really well so far this year. I think the biggest thing is to keep you guys informed on the food. It helps the students know what they want and to speed up the process.”

She is hoping to get the lines through in approximately twelve minutes. She explained that as of now, they are taking around sixteen minutes each, which is actually really well for her and her staff.

“The lines are long, but thanks to the new better tasting food it is worth the wait.” said senior Katarina Avendano.



Cafeteria manager Mrs. Coon standing tall and proud of her job




The daily menu Mrs. Coon puts up for students