The Start Of The End?

Alexander Camarena

It was said that the world was supposed to end Saturday 23. I bet your wondering how or why but its said that in the bible the world comes to its fate by irrupting volcanos and meteors. Scientists said that the planet know as “Planet X” was going to come in contact with Earth. A few years ago, NASA senior space scientist David Morrison debunked an apocalyptic claim as a hoax. Why Sept. 23, 2017? Morrison’s prediction is based largely on verses and numerical codes in the Bible. He has homed in one number: 33.

Maybe its the start of the end. I mean what if saying the world was gonna end is just a distraction? Taking peoples minds off other things going in in the world like the deadly earthquakes in Mexico , Or the hurricanes causing havoc. The bible said if we were able to survive “Doomsday” that we would witness a lot of volcano eruptions, City’s below sea water, making global warming a myth? Even if there is no end of the world , we need to stick together and take care of our planet or we will be responsible for The End Of The World.