The Downfall of Crybaby: Melanie Martinez Scandal

Photo by: Pop Buzz Left: Timothy Heller Right: Melanie Martinez
December 8, 2017
Hollywood is full of predators, lurking around, preying on men, women, and children in order to be given rolls or a job. Many women and men, however, have been standing up to their predators and shedding light on the abuse and harm they’ve been put through. The latest person who has been “outed,” I guess I may say, is someone no one really ever expected to do such a thing. She was the person I wrote my first story on and someone who I’ve idolized for two years. In case you haven’t read the title, this story is on the singer Melanie Martinez, and the accusations that she raped her ex-best friend , Timothy Heller. To be clear about the situation, Timothy is a girl and has said to have met Martinez back in 2015. Yesterday, December 4th, 2017, Timothy posted a tweet, which included four screenshots of her explaining what has happened.
Immediately, just hours after she posted what Melanie Martinez had done, the “Crybaby” fandom (Melanie’s fans) were quick to take Timothy’s side, trending the hashtag #MelanieMartinezPartyIsOver and showed videos and pictures of them throwing away their merchandise and unfollowing her music on Spotify.
The next morning, Melanie Martinez posted a statement on twitter, very vaguely talking about the incident, where she basically admits to the crime. What angered most, including myself, is when she states, “She never said no to what we chose to do together.” Not saying no doesn’t mean yes, especially when Timothy wrote multiple times on her four page statement that she said no for two nights straight.
Melanie Martinez saying she never said no did not help her case, with some of her fans still supporting her saying that she didn’t state she was guilty and with others saying that by staying those words, she’s not denying that this happened and admitting to the situation.

Some hard core Melanie fans still stand with Melanie and created the hashtag #IStandByMel and trying to debunk the accusations. However, it comes down to the harsh reality, did our beloved artist really do the unthinkable or is this some very sick, cruel joke.

Whatever the truth may be, I hope this gets resolved and the accuser gets what she deserves if the accusations are true. I personally don’t know how to feel about this as she is someone I looked up to for more than two years and her music inspired me and left a lasting effect on me and my friends and family.