Can’t Believe Takeoff…
January 22, 2018
Is what everyone who is pro the LGBT community and jump to conclusions are saying. YFN Lucci released the song “Boss Life” feat. Takeoff, and apparently Takeoff said “queer.” In his verse he says,” I cannot vibe with queers” and people sat on nails. Takeoff made an apology post on Instagram saying that he has nothing against the LGBT community. He wears clothes designed by gay men and women and is proud of it. He has now deleted his Instagram apology post. He described that he used the word “queer” in its true definition: odd or weird. His line would translate to, ” I cannot vibe with these weirdos”. But, Takeoff needed a word to rhyme with the rest of his lyrics. In conclusion, Takeoff is a rapper and rappers use words they sometimes just need in order to rhyme.