The Agency Group

January 22, 2018
Coming from Toronto, Ontario, a group of five came together and formed a band called Alvvays. the band consists of vocalist Molly Rankin, keyboardist Kerri McLellan, guitarist Alec Hanley, Bassist Brian Murphy, drummer Sheridan Riley. The band mostly got known very well by performing at festivals and selling cassette tapes at the shows. Later on, the tape went from being a merch table item into the group’s official debut album. Soon later the debut album was vinyl and CD’s. They started to become big in the U.S. and that’s when they came out with tour dates. After their tour, the group decided to take a two year break. In 2017, They finally get back into making music and releasing another debut album called “Antisocialites”. The album excited a lot of fans (including me) because of their upcoming tour they’ve just released. the thing that really makes me happy is they’re playing Coachella this year. hopefully the group continues to make more music year and get more recognition.