Lysette Sauceda

Cindy Burgos

Lysette Sauceda is 15 years old. When she grows up she wants to become a social worker for foster care. When asked what word describes her life at the moment she said stable. She’s at a point in her life where everything has been okay. She sees herself going to college to become a social worker and working in 5 years. Her aspiration in life is to live the life she’s always wanted. One thing she loves about herself is her eyes, eyes are what she notices first about people. She feels her eyes are a nice color. If she had the chance to give her younger-self advice she’d say “don’t beat yourself up”. To her future self, she’d say “get yourself together”. Something that is important to her is a chain her dad bought her, her father is her best friend. Growing up she was influenced by her mom leaving all the time. This is just a small snippet of Lysette’s life, as you can tell, she’s very strong.