Hours for Minutes
September 7, 2018
In the month of August 2018 the Sierra Linda Bulldog band had spent 106 hours to perform a 4 minute show during the first halftime of the football season. For every Tuesday and Thursday the marching band has been practicing 5pm to 9pm to get their show on the field and make it as perfect as possible to showcase on the 17th. After the game I had the chance to talk with one of the members of the band to ask how she felt about the performance.

Sierra Linda Marching Band, Practice August 23, 2018
Senior Caitline Garzon, a clarinet player, states “For the first time that was a good run, there were things that could have been better but compared to the past we had so much on the field and were able to remember sets and the music.” As a member myself I can confidently say that we had a lot on field considering it was our first time performing this year.” To this day the band is having 4 hour practices two times a week to get the show to perfection for competitions and future games this season. The band had spent 4 hours in the monsoon storms to get the first movement ready. Doing this caused people to get sick and the power to go out on us a few times, That didn’t stop the band from working, they brought out their flashlights, lit up the drum majors and did everything they could to see the field and their sets. Nothing will stop the bulldog marching band, they will spend hundreds of hours to perfect a 7 minute show.
Johnuthun Garcia • Jan 8, 2019 at 1:39 pm
Angelica Abeytia • Jan 8, 2019 at 1:43 pm
Johnuthun Garcia • Jan 8, 2019 at 1:39 pm
Angelica Abeytia • Jan 8, 2019 at 1:43 pm