Lunch Time!

getting to know the guy who feeds us

Diego Perez, Staff Writer

Matthew Silva’s position here at Sierra Linda is a cafeteria manager. He took time out of his busy schedule of feeding over 2000 people a day to give us the inside scoop.


  1. Where were you born?
  2. A. I was born here in Arizona.
  3. What made you come to Sierra Linda?
  4. I was transfer from La Joya high school.
  5. Where did you work before schools?
  6. Before I worked at schools I was a manager at a Sonic Drive in.
  7. How do you like it here so far?
  8. I love it here, plus the staff is very friendly.
  9. Q. What do you do on your free time?
  10. I spend a lot time with my family.


Matthew having fun at work preparing salads
Matthew having fun at work preparing salads